Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Box Braids

These were the first "box" braids we've tried on Q! I thought her hair was long enough to attempt it. and it worked!

I didn't part her hair into straight parts (if I had, then you'd see where this style gets it's name. In this case it's more like "sectioned" braids! lol ) because I didn't want to take the time. As it was it took 3 mini sittings to get all the braids in. (She's only 22 months old, not even 2 years yet - I don't expect her to sit still That long while I play with her hair! Movies only hold the attention span so long.)

I also did the front in a few cornrows to keep it from hanging in her eyes as much.

 I really could have left it like this, too :) I like it!

But this time we kept braiding :)

These braids are actually longer than I thought they'd be! Curly hair is so sneaky! lol

Click HERE to see what we did with her hair after we took the braids out!

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