To curb your curiosity, DiaperSwappers is a Buy/Sell/Trade site for cloth diapers. But it is SO much more than that as well! In fact, Q ended up being out of diapers completely by the time she was 14 months old because of a forum on DS! Isn't that ironic? I had just purchased our "stash" of mostly BumGenius Organic One Size All in One cloth diapers
when I stumbled upon the Elimination Communication forum... it wasn't love at first sight - (cuz man, that idea is WEIRD!) but I wouldn't do it any other way, now! :D
There isn't a ton of info out there about EC - but the 3 most famous books are:
The Diaper Free Baby by: Christine Gros-loh
Infant Potty Training by: Laurie Boucke
Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by: Ingrid Bauer
and the forum at DiaperSwappers was an amazing support system. I hear there's an EC forum over on the forums as well - but I've never really checked it out much. I'm so addicted to DS that I'm afraid I'll get addicted to too and Really have no offline life! lol!
(oh, yeah, Facebook has a few fanpages for EC, too. In fact THIS one is by the same people as the Diaper Free book, I think.)
Some other things I had never heard before but am now a firm believer in are Babywearing, keeping boys intact, Baltic Amber jewelry (use code 73 at Inspired By Finn for a 10% discount!), breastfeeding (and in public! oh the horrors! ha!), co-sleeping, "Unconditional Parenting", and I'm sure there's more - but I'll stop boring you now! lol
~ If anybody EVER has any questions or would like a friend to chat about some of this stuff with EMAIL ME! I could talk about it all day and night, but hardly anyone around here does this stuff. I've wanted to mention it multiple times on the blog, but up til now I've been able to restrain myself. LOL ~
Anyway, I started blabbing about DiaperSwappers only to say that I met a lovely mama over there who is going to do our next Curly Hair Interview! Wooooo!! How cool is that?! (and yes, we did happen to "meet" in the EC forum! lol)
Soooooo, come back tomorrow for a very insightful interview by OperaDiva! See you then .... :)
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