Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Fancy Twisty Hair

Q didn't feel like sitting still today! But here we go ...

First I left out some bangs, Then I made a little ponytail ...

and turned it ...

Here's some pics of how to do that (Topsy Tail! or Pull-Through, etc.)

(Make a loose pony tail and split it)

(Then tuck the "tail" through the part you just made)

(and pull it tighter if you want)

Then I just started twisting! I twisted the two "tails" I had just made, plus two more. I attached them randomly to other hair with a little claw clip.

I also clipped back her bangs with a matching claw clip.

And that's that!

I did go back and put in some little elastics under the claw clips because she just didn't have enough hair to hold it tight. And in retrospect, next time I probably won't bother with the pull-through's for her hair, it would look just as cute without them (almost) and they are time-consuming on a little one with a short attention span! :)

Thank you to princesshairstyles for this idea!

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