Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

You WON! You WON! YEAH!!!

Okay, so I put all the entries (one for each comment) on random.org and will list the top three. The first person gets to choose from the three pictures, second gets second pick. Well, here they are!

1. Joann Congratulations! And thanks for the comments, it so nice to hear that there are other little girls who put things in their nose:)

2. AbBaThA You'll get to pick after Joann!

3. Ambersmilz Look at you! :)

Congratulations and thanks so much for entering! I hope you all enjoyed this! And sorry for the lack of posts this week, last day of school for my oldest is tomorrow, all three kids are in a parade Friday, Alex has a dance performance Saturday, and I have made 17 pairs of bows this week for the girls at the dance studio.... there's more going on, but that would take too long and I still have to make a few sets of bows and some frilly socks, help the kids decorate a poster for the parade, gather up school books to return...
I promise, more styles are coming very soon!

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