Selasa, 25 November 2008


When I ran out of new styles to try, I started making accessories. Accessories are so much fun and there are endless ways to use them. You can go simple, or do something extravagant. And you are sure to get attention for your little one:)
This was a super-popular clip I made last summer and sold in my ebay store.

I always try to match the accessories and hairstyle to the outfit. Not just the obvious, like color, but also the feel. Jeans and a t-shirt probably don't need a 12-layer bow:)

I just love the way Alex looks in low pigtails, though this one needs a little bit longer hair than other styles. This style looks great with a sundress or country themed outfit:)

These may be my favorite accessory! Curlies, the ever popular clips from Gymboree and other Children's boutiques are always adorable!

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