Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Sailor Moon

Alex had bangs once before, despite my wishes. (Drama Boy cut her hair! It is still growing out in a few places...) So, I was a little reluctant to cut them again. Turns out, I LOVE them! ;) We went with sweepy, longer bangs because of her natural wavy curl and soft/fine hair. Here's the new look...
Now, for the style: Anyone familiar with the animated series "Sailor Moon"? It is an older show, but one of the first asian cartoons to become really popular in the US. Well, this hairstyle is from the show, but the basic idea is really popular amongst children models for asian clothing stores online and Alex has requested it numerous times. 
7Right, so here it is. We started by pulling up just the front, leaving out her new bangs.
Actually, I thought it was really pretty at this step, but promised the piggies... Next, I sectioned out the remaining hair, basically into quadrants.
I put pull-through knots in the bottom two. You can do these with a topsy turvy, but I just stick my rat-tail comb through the middle and then poke the elastic through. Pull the hair tight and it comes out the same. ;)
I pulled up the pull-through ends diagonally and added them to the top section, making pigtails.
I added 1/2 of the very top ponytail in to each pigtail.
The last step is the bun. Just take a very small piece out of the ponytail and do not include it in your bun.
Use the rest of the hair, twisting it and then wrapping it around the small piece. Pin it down or add an elastic to hold in place. If using an elastic, be sure to pull the extra piece all the way through each time. That's it, you're done! ;)
(Oh, and here's another secret for working with toddlers... download a couple of games on your phone just for those really cranky moments! She has only played with my phone a handful of times, so she felt pretty special. And it entertained her well enough that she didn't want me to be finished! ;)

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