I just LOVE watching the "followers" number grow :) I love getting your comments, emails and pictures!! and as of right now we have 65 followers! WOW! I had mentioned in an earlier post that we should do another giveaway when we reach 75 followers.... we're only 10 away!!
Tell all your friends and family! Let's get 10 more followers and then GIVE SOMETHING AWAY!! Wooooo!
I'd just like to point out that because this blog still has a small reader-base, your chances of winning are REALLY high! :)
I'm also still open to ideas of what you'd like to win! So far the vote has almost unanimously been for hair accessories... do you have another idea of something you'd like to win? Hair books
, beanies
, hair bow holders
, products
, curlers
, combs
...?? What would you like?!
Leave a comment and let me know!
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