Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

We Have a Winner!

I want to send out a GREAT BIG thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway!! I absolutely LOVED reading all the comments (each one made me smile!) and Thanks for the birthday wishes, too! It was so fun to be able to add this giveaway to my birthday celebration! :D Thanks for joining in it!

Congratulations to Kat!

random.org helped me pick...and they said #8! The #8 post is....
Kat said... 
Im a follower :) 
March 9, 2010 12:28 PM     

make sure you head over to her blog and check it out! 

CONGRATS, KAT!   Please email me asap and we'll talk details! curlyqshairdos@yahoo.com

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