Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Halloween at our house! (costumes)

Wow, Its Halloween, what happened to October, I only did 7 or 8 hair posts this month and I am sorry, but now you know why I have been working on Halloween costumes as fast as I can. In my other life I work with a youth Theatre group as the costumer, I don't think that my kids have ever had a costume off the rack at a store, they start dreaming about what they are going to be all year long and we talk and work and think, I all ready have in a costume order for 3 kids for next year.... wait I think all 4 gave me an idea of what they wanted to be, well enjoy my pics, we sure did enjoy today! Here we are in a Halloween family pic
The little princess as Medusa,

To Cool for Hair as Mario!

Jack Sparrow, Monkey Man in the Captain Morgan pose, He made me laugh every time I went to take his picture he put his foot up on something! funny funny boy!
Here is Baby Mermaid in her Indian Princess costume
Here is the whole Chic-clips family, even my niece, "the girl with the curl" and my nephew "Daredevil" and my Baby Brother

I had a few minutes to kill before we took off for the night and so I thought that I would paint up my face just for fun.

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